
Leadership in Crisis: The 10 Biggest Mistakes Leaders Are Making

Leadership is a challenging role, especially in today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business environment. While good leaders are essential for organisational success, even the most experienced leaders can fall into common traps that hinder their effectiveness. Understanding these pitfalls can help leaders avoid them and lead their teams more successfully. Here are the top 10 mistakes leaders are making today:

1. Failing to Adapt to Change

In today’s world, change is inevitable, and it’s happening at an unprecedented pace. One of the biggest mistakes leaders make is resisting change or failing to adapt quickly enough. Whether it’s technological advancements, shifts in market trends, or changes in workforce dynamics, leaders who are not agile risk falling behind. Effective leaders embrace change, encourage innovation, and are always looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve.

2. Micromanaging

Micromanagement is a common leadership mistake that can stifle creativity, reduce employee morale, and lead to burnout. Leaders who micromanage tend to be overly involved in every detail of their team’s work, leaving little room for autonomy or independent decision-making. This approach undermines trust and can make employees feel undervalued and disengaged. Instead, leaders should focus on empowering their teams, delegating tasks, and trusting their employees to deliver results.

3. Lack of Clear Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of good leadership, yet many leaders struggle with it. Whether it’s failing to communicate expectations clearly, not providing regular feedback, or being inaccessible to their teams, poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and decreased productivity. Leaders must prioritise clear, consistent, and transparent communication to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working toward common goals.

4. Leaders Ignoring Employee Development

Leaders who neglect the growth and development of their employees risk losing top talent and diminishing the overall capability of their team. Employees want to feel like they are growing and advancing in their careers, and leaders play a crucial role in facilitating this. Failing to provide opportunities for learning, development, and career progression can lead to disengagement and high turnover. Leaders should invest in their team’s development through training, mentorship, and challenging assignments.

5. Avoiding Difficult Conversations

Leadership often involves making tough decisions and having difficult conversations, whether it’s addressing poor performance, handling conflicts, or giving constructive feedback. Many leaders shy away from these conversations, hoping problems will resolve themselves, but this rarely happens. Avoiding difficult conversations can lead to unresolved issues, resentment, and a toxic work environment. Leaders need to be courageous and tackle these conversations head-on, addressing issues promptly and respectfully.

6. Leaders Failing to Lead by Example

Leaders set the tone for their teams, and their actions speak louder than words. A common mistake is expecting certain behaviours from employees while not embodying those behaviours themselves. This lack of alignment between words and actions can erode trust and credibility. Effective leaders lead by example, demonstrating the values, work ethic, and behaviours they expect from their teams. When leaders model the way, they inspire their teams to follow suit.

7. Not Valuing Diversity and Inclusion

In today’s global and diverse workforce, leaders who fail to prioritise diversity and inclusion (D&I) are missing out on a wealth of perspectives, ideas, and talents. A lack of focus on D&I can lead to a homogeneous work environment, limiting creativity and innovation. Moreover, it can result in a culture where not all employees feel valued or included. Leaders should champion diversity and inclusion, ensuring that all voices are heard, respected, and valued within the organisation.

8. Overlooking the Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is increasingly recognised as a critical leadership skill. Leaders who lack EQ may struggle to connect with their teams, manage stress, or navigate interpersonal dynamics effectively. This can lead to poor relationships, low morale, and a lack of trust within the team. Leaders with high emotional intelligence, on the other hand, are better equipped to manage their emotions, empathise with others, and build strong, productive relationships.

9. Focusing Solely on Short-Term Results

While achieving short-term goals is important, leaders who focus exclusively on immediate results often do so at the expense of long-term sustainability and growth. This short-sightedness can lead to burnout, poor decision-making, and missed opportunities for strategic development. Effective leaders balance the need for short-term results with a vision for long-term success, ensuring that their decisions align with the organisation’s future goals and values.

10. Ignoring Work-Life Balance

In the pursuit of success, some leaders neglect the importance of work-life balance for themselves and their teams. Overworking and pushing employees too hard can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and a negative impact on overall well-being. Leaders who fail to model or support a healthy work-life balance risk losing valuable talent and creating a toxic work culture. Encouraging and modelling work-life balance is crucial for sustaining high performance and fostering a positive, healthy work environment.


Leadership is a complex and challenging role, and even the best leaders are susceptible to making mistakes. However, by being aware of these common pitfalls and actively working to avoid them, leaders can enhance their effectiveness, build stronger teams, and drive greater success for their organisations. Leadership is not just about managing others—it’s about continuous learning, self-awareness, and a commitment to growth and improvement. By steering clear of these mistakes, leaders can set themselves and their teams on a path to long-term success and fulfilment. Visit our Leadership Training , and Emerging Leaders Program to find out more.


Why Join an Emerging Leaders Program?

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business environment, organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of developing their future leaders early on. An Emerging Leaders Program (ELP) is specifically designed to identify and nurture high-potential individuals who demonstrate the aptitude and ambition to take on leadership roles in the future. For professionals looking to accelerate their career growth and make a meaningful impact within their organisations, joining an Emerging Leaders Program offers numerous benefits. Here’s why participating in such a program can be a transformative experience.

1. Accelerated Career Development

One of the most compelling reasons to join an Emerging Leaders Program is the opportunity for accelerated career development. These programs are tailored to fast-track your growth by providing you with the skills, knowledge, and experiences necessary to step into leadership roles. By participating in an ELP, you gain access to targeted training and development opportunities that might take years to acquire through traditional career paths. This accelerated learning curve not only enhances your leadership capabilities but also positions you for promotions and new opportunities more quickly.

2. Emerging Leaders Programs Enhance Leadership Skills

Emerging Leaders Programs focus on developing the core competencies required for effective leadership. Participants engage in various training sessions, workshops, and real-world projects designed to hone skills such as strategic thinking, decision-making, communication, and emotional intelligence. These programs often include hands-on experiences, allowing you to apply what you learn in a practical setting. By the end of the program, you’ll have a well-rounded skill set that prepares you to lead teams, drive initiatives, and contribute to your organisation’s success.

3. Mentorship and Networking Opportunities

One of the most valuable aspects of an Emerging Leaders Program is the access it provides to mentorship and networking opportunities. ELPs typically connect participants with senior leaders and mentors within the organization who offer guidance, feedback, and support throughout the program. These relationships are invaluable as they provide insights into leadership challenges, help you navigate your career path, and offer opportunities for professional growth. Additionally, the program allows you to build a network of peers—other emerging leaders—who can become collaborators, sounding boards, and allies throughout your career.

4. Exposure to Organisational Strategy and Decision-Making

Emerging Leaders Programs often provide participants with exposure to the organisation’s strategic decision-making processes. This exposure is critical for understanding how decisions are made at the highest levels and how various functions within the organization work together to achieve common goals. By participating in strategic projects, attending executive meetings, or engaging in simulations, you gain a deeper understanding of the business and develop the ability to think like a leader. This experience is invaluable as it equips you with the knowledge and perspective needed to make informed decisions in leadership roles.

5. Increased Visibility Within the Organisation

Joining an Emerging Leaders Program can significantly increase your visibility within the organisation. By participating in high-impact projects, working closely with senior leaders, and demonstrating your capabilities, you become more known and recognised for your contributions. This visibility is crucial for career advancement, as it puts you on the radar of decision-makers when opportunities for promotions or key assignments arise. Being seen as a high-potential leader can open doors to new roles, projects, and responsibilities that might not have been accessible otherwise.

6. Contribution to Organisational Success

Emerging Leaders Programs are not just about personal development; they are also about contributing to the organisation’s success. Through these programs, you are often given the opportunity to work on strategic initiatives that have a direct impact on the business. This hands-on involvement allows you to apply your leadership skills in a way that benefits the organization, whether it’s through driving innovation, improving processes, or leading change efforts. By contributing to the organisation’s goals, you demonstrate your value as a future leader and help shape the direction of the company.

7. Emerging Leaders Programs Prepare for Future Challenges

The business landscape is constantly evolving, and the challenges faced by leaders today are more complex than ever. Emerging Leaders Programs are designed to prepare participants for these future challenges by equipping them with the skills and mindset needed to navigate uncertainty, drive change, and lead in a dynamic environment. By focusing on adaptability, resilience, and continuous learning, ELPs ensure that you are ready to face the challenges of leadership with confidence and competence.

8. Personal Fulfilment and Confidence

Lastly, participating in an Emerging Leaders Program can be personally fulfilling. The journey of developing your leadership potential, overcoming challenges, and achieving your goals is immensely rewarding. As you progress through the program, you’ll gain confidence in your abilities and a sense of accomplishment that comes from knowing you are actively working towards your leadership aspirations. This personal growth not only benefits your career but also enriches your life, making you a more effective and fulfilled leader.

Joining an Emerging Leaders Program is a strategic move for any professional looking to accelerate their career, develop essential leadership skills, and make a significant impact within their organisation. The benefits—ranging from accelerated career development and enhanced leadership skills to increased visibility and personal fulfilment—make it a worthwhile investment in your future. By participating in an ELP, you position yourself as a leader of tomorrow, ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Find out more by visiting Emerging Leaders Program.


Leadership Training: A Smart Investment for Lasting Success

Investing in leadership training is not just about improving individual performance; it’s about driving the long-term success and sustainability of the entire organisation. Here’s why investing in leadership training is a strategic move for any business. In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, strong leadership is more critical than ever. Organisations face a myriad of challenges, from navigating technological advancements to managing a diverse workforce, and the quality of leadership can significantly impact how effectively these challenges are addressed.

1. Leadership Training Enhanced Organisational Performance

Effective leaders are the cornerstone of a high-performing organisation. Leadership training equips managers and executives with the skills needed to motivate teams, drive productivity, and achieve organisational goals. By developing leaders who can make informed decisions, manage resources efficiently, and inspire their teams, businesses can see tangible improvements in overall performance. When leaders are trained to align their actions with the company’s vision and strategy, it creates a ripple effect throughout the organisation, leading to increased efficiency, innovation, and profitability.

2. Improved Employee Engagement and Retention

Employee engagement is directly influenced by the quality of leadership. Leaders who are trained in communication, emotional intelligence, and conflict resolution are better equipped to create a positive and inclusive work environment. This, in turn, leads to higher levels of employee engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty. When employees feel valued and supported by their leaders, they are more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover rates and the associated costs of recruitment and training new hires. Investing in leadership training shows employees that the organisation is committed to their growth and well-being, which further strengthens their commitment to the company.

3. Building a Strong Leadership Pipeline

Succession planning is a critical aspect of organisational sustainability. Leadership training helps identify and develop high-potential employees who can step into leadership roles as the need arises. By continuously developing leaders at all levels, organisations ensure that they have a robust leadership pipeline, ready to fill key positions whenever necessary. This proactive approach reduces the risk of leadership gaps that can disrupt business operations and ensures continuity in leadership, even during times of transition.

4. Adaptability and Innovation

In a world where change is the only constant, the ability to adapt is crucial for survival. Leadership training fosters a culture of continuous learning and innovation, empowering leaders to embrace change, think creatively, and drive new initiatives. Leaders who are trained to be adaptable can effectively manage uncertainty, lead their teams through transitions, and seize new opportunities in a rapidly changing market. By encouraging a growth mindset, leadership training helps organisations stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge.

5. Better Decision-Making

Leaders are often faced with complex decisions that can have far-reaching consequences for the organisation. Leadership training enhances decision-making skills by providing leaders with the tools and frameworks needed to analyse situations, weigh options, and consider the long-term impact of their decisions. Trained leaders are more likely to make informed, strategic decisions that align with the organisation’s goals and values, reducing the risk of costly mistakes and ensuring better outcomes for the business.

6. Leadership Training Strengthening Company Culture

Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping and maintaining company culture. Leaders who are trained in values-based leadership are more likely to model behaviours that reflect the organisation’s core values, fostering a positive and cohesive culture. A strong company culture enhances collaboration, drives employee engagement, and attracts top talent. By investing in leadership training, organisations ensure that their leaders are equipped to build and sustain a culture that supports long-term success.

7. Conflict Resolution and Team Cohesion

Workplace conflicts are inevitable, but how they are managed can significantly impact team dynamics and productivity. Leadership training equips leaders with the skills needed to handle conflicts effectively, ensuring that disagreements are resolved constructively and do not escalate into larger issues. Trained leaders are better at fostering collaboration, encouraging open communication, and creating an environment where team members feel comfortable expressing their ideas and concerns. This leads to stronger team cohesion, higher morale, and a more harmonious work environment.

8. Maximising Return on Investment (ROI)

While leadership training requires an upfront investment, the long-term returns can be substantial. Organisations that invest in developing their leaders are more likely to see improvements in employee performance, retention, and overall business results. The skills and knowledge gained through leadership training contribute to more efficient operations, better strategic planning, and increased innovation, all of which have a positive impact on the bottom line. In essence, leadership training is an investment in the organisation’s future success.

9. Leadership Training Prepares for Future Challenges

The business landscape is constantly evolving, with new challenges emerging all the time. Leadership training prepares leaders to navigate these challenges by equipping them with the skills needed to lead in a dynamic and uncertain environment. Whether it’s managing a crisis, leading a digital transformation, or responding to global market shifts, trained leaders are better prepared to guide their organisations through change and ensure long-term resilience.

Investing in leadership training is not just about developing individual leaders—it’s about strengthening the entire organisation. From enhancing performance and employee engagement to fostering innovation and building a strong leadership pipeline, the benefits of leadership training are far-reaching. In a competitive and ever-changing business environment, organisations that prioritise leadership development are better positioned to achieve sustained success and growth. By empowering leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to excel, businesses can drive positive outcomes for both their employees and their bottom line. Find out more, by visiting our Leadership Training page.


The Power of Insight: How Leadership Assessment Drive Success

Leadership assessment is a crucial tool used by organisations to evaluate the capabilities, potential, and effectiveness of their leaders. Through various methods such as 360-degree feedback, personality tests, behavioural interviews, and performance appraisals, leadership assessments and profiles provide deep insights into a leader’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development. These assessments not only benefit the individual leader but also offer significant advantages to the organisation as a whole. Here’s a closer look at how leadership assessments benefit both the individual and the business.

Benefits of Leadership Assessment to the Individual

  1. Self-Awareness and Personal Growth: Leadership assessments are powerful tools for enhancing self-awareness. By providing objective feedback on various aspects of leadership, including communication, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. These assessments help individuals gain a clearer understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement. This increased self-awareness is the foundation for personal growth, enabling leaders to make conscious efforts to develop their skills and address any shortcomings.
  2. Targeted Development: One of the primary benefits of a leadership profile is that they provide a clear roadmap for development. Based on the results, individuals can identify specific areas where they need to improve. Whether it’s enhancing their strategic thinking, improving their interpersonal skills, or learning how to manage stress more effectively, leadership assessments help leaders focus their development efforts where they are most needed, leading to more efficient and effective growth.
  3. Career Advancement: For individuals, leadership assessments can be a stepping-stone to career advancement. By identifying areas for growth and actively working to improve them, leaders can position themselves as more effective and well-rounded candidates for promotions and new opportunities. Additionally, the insights gained from leadership assessments can help leaders align their career goals with their strengths, making them more strategic in their career planning.
  4. Enhanced Decision-Making: Leadership profiles often highlight an individual’s decision-making style and its effectiveness. By understanding their decision-making tendencies, leaders can learn to approach problems more analytically, consider different perspectives, and make more informed and balanced decisions. This enhanced decision-making capability not only benefits the individual but also positively impacts the teams and projects they lead.
  5. Increased Confidence: Receiving feedback through a leadership assessment can boost a leader’s confidence, especially when it highlights their strengths and acknowledges their achievements. Knowing where they excel can give leaders the confidence to take on new challenges, lead with authority, and mentor others. On the flip side, understanding areas for improvement can also build confidence as leaders work to develop those areas, knowing they are taking steps to become more effective.

Benefits of Leadership Assessment to the Business

  1. Identifying and Developing Future Leaders: Leadership assessments are invaluable tools for identifying potential future leaders within an organisation. By evaluating the current capabilities and potential of employees, businesses can identify individuals who have the qualities needed for leadership roles. This proactive approach helps in creating a strong leadership pipeline, ensuring that the organisation is prepared for future leadership needs.
  2. Improved Organisational Performance: When leaders are self-aware and continuously developing their skills, it directly translates to better performance for the organisation. Leadership profiles ensure that leaders are equipped to handle the challenges of their roles, leading to improved decision-making, better team management, and ultimately, enhanced organisational performance. Effective leaders drive results, foster innovation, and create a positive work environment, all of which contribute to the overall success of the business.
  3. Enhanced Succession Planning: Succession planning is a critical aspect of organisational sustainability. Leadership profiles provide the data needed to make informed decisions about succession planning. By understanding the strengths and development needs of current leaders, businesses can identify potential successors and ensure that they are adequately prepared to take on higher roles when the time comes. This reduces the risk associated with leadership transitions and ensures continuity in leadership.
  4. Increased Employee Engagement: Leaders play a significant role in shaping the work environment and influencing employee engagement. By conducting leadership assessments, organisations can ensure that their leaders possess the qualities needed to inspire and motivate their teams. Engaged employees are more productive, loyal, and committed to the organisation’s goals. Therefore, by improving the quality of leadership through assessments, businesses can boost employee engagement and retention.
  5. Alignment with Organisational Goals: Leadership assessments help ensure that the leadership team is aligned with the organisation’s goals and values. By assessing whether leaders exhibit behaviours and skills that support the company’s mission and objectives, organisations can make strategic decisions about leadership development. This alignment is crucial for achieving long-term success and ensuring that the leadership team is driving the organisation in the right direction.
  6. Risk Mitigation: Poor leadership can lead to a range of risks for an organisation, including high employee turnover, decreased morale, and financial losses. Leadership assessments help mitigate these risks by identifying and addressing potential issues early on. By understanding where leaders may need support or development, businesses can take proactive measures to prevent problems from escalating and ensure that their leadership team is equipped to navigate challenges effectively.

Leadership assessment is a powerful tool that offers significant benefits to both individuals and businesses. For the individual, it fosters self-awareness, targeted development, and career advancement, while also enhancing decision-making and confidence. For the business, it helps identify and develop future leaders, improves organisational performance, and supports succession planning. Additionally, leadership assessments contribute to increased employee engagement, alignment with organisational goals, and risk mitigation. By investing in leadership assessments, organisations can create a strong, capable, and resilient leadership team that drives success and sustainability.


Developing Leaders uses a powerful tool known as the Velocity leadership Checkpoint, generated to assess your underlying leadership qualities through a list of questions targeting essential leadership skills. Find out more by visiting Velocity Leadership Checkpoint on our website.


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